Being born into an Italian family and having a chef father, Lisa grew up learning the value of great tasting, quality and authentic foods. In her household, there was no such thing as store-bought pasta sauces, cookies or ice cream. Her family taught her that the quality of your food was based on the ingredients used. Food was the bond that brought her parents, grandparents and other family members together to share in the special moments of life. At an early age, Lisa learned how to make homemade ravioli, gnocchi’s, bread and of course all things sweet. She had quite a sweet tooth and loved being in the kitchen so much that it was common for Lisa to rise early on a Saturday morning to bake coffee cake for her parents or run home after school to bake homemade cookies. Her nickname growing up was the "cookie monster" and undoubtedly something she still relates to as an adult. Lisa was always experimenting to find the best-tasting desserts that would win the approval of her family and of course her own tummy.
Later in life, Lisa was diagnosed with a health condition and food allergies. She suddenly had to rediscover food and change the ingredients she used. She decided to take on a plant-based lifestyle which was both exciting and frustrating. As Lisa started to change her diet, she quickly discovered that a ‘vegan’ or ‘gluten-free’ label, didn’t necessarily mean healthy. Even when shopping in ‘health food’ stores she read ingredients on the packaging that were clearly not natural and found that most vegan desserts were full of processed sugars and starches. After years of researching and altering her own diet, she realized it was time to take the lessons she learned as a child and turn it into something sweet.
Green Girl Bakeshop sprouted from the simple idea of creating allergy-friendly desserts that taste great, use whole, nutrient dense ingredients, and support individuals wellness and vitality. Not only are we on a mission to make nostalgic desserts healthy, and free from most common allergens, we are determined to have them taste even better than the gluten and dairy versions; no more gluten free cookies that were gritty and chalk-like in taste and texture!!
Now, Green Girl Bakeshop makes plant-based gelato's with no more than four ingredients, meaning no unnatural stabilizers and nothing artificial. All of our baked goods are made fresh without hydrogenated oils, trans fats or any preservatives. Finally, there is a great tasting, organic, "free from" healthy dessert that people with food allergies and without can enjoy!